Expanding The Excellence Circle In The Social Periphery
Collective Impact Initiative to Expand the Circle of Mathematics and Science Excellence to at Least the National Average in Three Cities in the Social and Geographic Periphery of Israel
Collective Impact Initiative to Expand the Circle of Mathematics and Science Excellence to at Least the National Average in Three Cities in the Social and Geographic Periphery of Israel
The collective impact coalition, “5p2”, comprised of 80 member organizations, including hi-tech companies, academic institutions and the IDF, has succeeded over the last three years, in organizing a national effort to raise the number of five-unit high school graduates in mathematics. The government joined in to lead the national goal of doubling the number of five-unit graduates by 2019, while relying on across-the-board collaboration by numerous partners. The results so far seem to be very positive and the trajectory has changed course.
Following three years of activity, “5p2” conducted a deep strategic process over six months. They found out that although significant improvement has occurred across the country, this has in fact only perpetuated and increased gaps between regions with a strong socio-economic background and a weak background. Achievement disparities between the periphery and the center, as well as between Jewish students and Arab students have grown even further.
“5p2” also discovered that over the years, that there have been a large number of intervention programs in the periphery. These programs operate independently, with different and sometimes conflicting priorities. There is very little collaboration between them, and the long history of inequality in academic achievement drives them to lower their expectations and distribute their resources in a very wide range of areas. Local residents sometime refer to this phenomenon of having to satisfy so many external projects, as “projectitis”.
Therefore, “5p2” decided to focus their work in the coming years on the periphery and to harness excellence as a driver for reducing social inequalities. They will gradually select three cities in which there is a high need and high potential to increase the rate of five-unit graduation to at least the national average. Selection criteria will take into consideration the number of schools and students, percentage of 4 and 5-unit students and the quality of school management and local leadership.
Then, in each city, they will convene the relevant stakeholders from the municipality, the school system, industry, the army, local centers of expertise, civil society organizations and philanthropy. Together, the group will look into and analyze local data, map their independent activities, and come out with a shared vision, goals and measures for a collective effort. The municipality will lead the implementation, while Sheatufim will maintain the collaborative effort, collect data and share results.
* The text presented above shows the grant as approved by the Foundation Board / Grant 250