Simulation Workshops on Teaching High-Order Applied Mathematics
Simulation Workshops on Teaching High-Order Applied Mathematics to 400 Arab Middle School Mathematics Teachers
Simulation Workshops on Teaching High-Order Applied Mathematics to 400 Arab Middle School Mathematics Teachers
In recent years, hundreds of mathematics teachers across the country have become familiar with teaching applied mathematics. They participated in designated in-service training programs that exposed them to new content developed by the foundation’s partners. Many of them then joined professional learning communities in order to learn how to implement the content in their classes. However, feedback from the participating teachers often indicates that it is still very difficult for them to teach applied mathematics as it requires shifts and changes in pedagogy and thinking.
In order to provide the teachers with further and deeper support, we are looking into a variety of tools, including the use of teaching simulations. A few months ago, the foundation approved a grant to Bar-Ilan University to develop such simulations and to use them with Hebrew speaking teachers. In these simulations, teachers rehearse their lesson plans in a class with actors, observed by their fellow teachers and coaches and receive feedback. The foundation’s grant aims to develop the scripts and the Ministry of Education funds the ongoing training of teachers.
In order to reach Arabic-speaking teachers as well, we reached out to the Gordon College of Education which specializes in training Arab mathematics teachers. The college is proposing a three-year program during which scripts and scenarios will be developed in Arabic based on teaching applied mathematics tasks in middle school excellence classes. Then, over three years the college will hold 90 simulation workshops for 400 middle school mathematics teachers. The workshops will be held in Arabic and will be adapted to the specific needs of teaching in the Arabic language and schools. The grant from the foundation is sought to facilitate the development, whereas all operational expenses will be funded by the Ministry of Education.
* The text above shows the grant as approved by the Foundation’s Board of Directors / Grant 502