In 2016 the foundation conducted a mid-term review of our work utilizing diverse tools of evaluation and documentation, based on both data and analysis, exploring different aspects of our work, and using different genres and narratives for a varied audience.
The Trump Foundation has joined hand with the education system in Israel to halt the decline in mathematics and science excellence and to ignite significant improvement. We have woven a ‘web’ of collaborative programs led by the most capable players in Israel, aimed at providing access to high quality student-centered teaching and nurturing a support system to encourage excellence at scale.
Now, after five years of operation, we conclude the first stage of our work. The number of high school graduates who majored in mathematics returned to its peak levels of 2006. Government is leading a wide scale well-funded National Program. Most of the stakeholders work together to achieve shared goals and the teachers are better prepared, so that the level of expectations is on the rise.
Five years is also an appropriate crossroads for the foundation to reflect on and analyze what we have achieved thus far and on what needs to be improved. For this purpose, we convened the foundation’s International Advisory Council in November 2016. Towards this meeting, we prepared a series of case studies and evaluation reports, covering the foundation’s activity from different angles.
Documentation Case Studies
- “The National Impact“, Oren Majar. The Trump Foundation’s contribution to the transformation in excellence indicators and the challenges ahead.
- “Clinical Teaching in Practice“, Haim Lapid & Leah Pass. Deep dive into the foundation’s clinical teaching strategy and its encounter with teaching practice in schools.
- “Relationships Matters“, Dalia Magnat. The interactions between the foundation and its partners as reflected in the Grantee Perception Report of 2014 and 2016.
- “Philanthropic Methodology“, Guy Ravid. The Theory of Change and Strategy of the Trump Foundation in practice.
- “Collaborating with the Government“, Dalit Stauber. Analyzing the foundation’s approach to working with government and public systems.
- “Nurturing a Social Movement“, Ma’ayan Alexander and Or Shemesh. Harnessing social media to engage the public in supporting the investment in excellence.
- “What does Excellence really mean in Israel?”, Eli Hurvitz. Thoughts and Dilemmas about the attempt the encourage excellence in a DIY culture of shortcuts cuts and cutting corners.
Evaluation Reports
- “Teacher Training Residency Programs“, Henrietta Szold Institute
- “The Trump Master Teacher Award“, Yael Steimberg & Rona Rephaeli-Hirsch
- “The Trump Foundation’s Role as a Convener“, Yael Steimberg & Rona Rephaeli-Hirsch
We would value very much hearing your thoughts, doubts and ideas. For us it is an honor and a privilege to be able to listen to your comments, to learn from your experience and to work with you to achieve this highly important goal for Israeli Society. Please do not hesitate to be in touch with us and to share your feedback.