Trump Award for Quality Teaching 2012
Starting in 2012, the Trump Foundation will award a prize for quality teaching
Starting in 2012, the Trump Foundation will award a prize for quality teaching
In Israel, there are excellent teachers who fulfill their role tirelessly, believe in the abilities of their students and encourage them to reach their full potential. The talent, knowledge and experience of these excellent teachers is the cornerstone of any attempt to improve the quality of education in Israel. Israel needs these exemplary figures in order to mark a direction and a path, and for that the public needs to know their art, better understand what effective teaching is, and all this in order to increase the public’s trust in its teachers.
3. Active partner in a professional community:
4. Helps his school to activate a learning support system:
Helps school staff and management formulate a shared teaching concept, design learning progress monitoring routines, build a support system for students in need, operate a student community focused on student learning, share transparently and build with parents, and create a learning climate that affects teaching quality and learning.
A nominee for the award will be a teacher who:
A. Demonstrates in his work a direct impact on the achievements of his students consistently and over time.
B. Teaches in a school for over 5 years and in the 2009-2010 school year teaches in the classroom most of the time.
third. It is true that his work in the classroom and at school will be documented, analyzed, studied and published.
* The text presented above shows the grant as approved by the Foundation Board / Grant 38