Exemplary Lesson Plans for Secondary School Mathematics Teaching
In collaboration with Google, the Technion arranged a workshop for excellent Mathematics teachers, mentoring them to prepare a database of exemplary lesson plans
In collaboration with Google, the Technion arranged a workshop for excellent Mathematics teachers, mentoring them to prepare a database of exemplary lesson plans
Mathematics teachers in secondary schools teach an average of 20-25 lessons per week. They typically plan their lessons in isolation and are not likely to share their work with others. The Center for Mathematics Education at the Technion believes that by bringing together excellent Mathematics teachers and utilizing technology, this lack of sharing can be improved. In collaboration with Google, the center is holding a three day residential workshop for thirty excellent Mathematics teachers, and to mentor them to prepare exemplary lesson plans. The workshop will produce sixty lesson plans, which will be shared via the internet with Mathematics teachers across the country.
By creating a user-generated database of lesson plans, teachers will be able to learn from their peers and contribute from their practice to the professional community. The hope is that even Mathematics teachers who do not regularly use lesson plans may find the database a source of inspiration and ideas for both content and pedagogy. It is hoped these lesson plans will include suggestions for adapting the teaching of those lessons to a range of different student abilities. If successful, the center intends to hold additional workshops which will allow for the future expansion of the database.
* The text above shows the grant as approved by the Foundation’s Board of Directors / Grant 53