Saving Middle School
A collection of articles and additional books in a series of publications on quality teaching
A collection of articles and additional books in a series of publications on quality teaching
The pandemic underlined the specific weakness of middle schools in Israel. During the crisis, all schools closed their doors immediately for in-school learning, however when pandemic conditions gradually improved, middle schools were the last to reopen. Elementary schools were important because they teach the basics and take care of younger children. High schools were more important because they teach for the matriculation examinations. Middle schools have no agreed upon target, nor a determining role for the present or future of children, therefore they were last in line.
The success of the foundation’s roadmap for middle schools relies on changing this mindset. The grants portfolio already includes plenty of activities that place a focus on middle schools, particularly on promoting excellence in the study of mathematics and the sciences. In order to draw more attention towards middle school, we often approach policy makers, the professional community and the public, emphasizing the importance of middle schools. We try to showcase policies designed by high performing education systems around the world that reformed and reshaped their middle schools.
As part of this effort, we now approached Yoram Harpaz, who together with the Branco Weiss Institute has been translating into Hebrew a series of publications on quality teaching. In the coming year, a special conference will be held to recognize the successful publication of ten books in this series. In addition, Harpaz recently compiled a book of short articles by Israeli educators addressing the question of what Israel must do to become one of the top 15 excelling countries in education.
In discussion with Harpaz and Branco Weiss, they are now proposing an additional step in the joint endeavor. At the heart of it will be a book entitled “Saving Middle School”, which will be a collection of articles shedding light on various aspects of middle school in Israel and abroad. The goal is to catalyze a vibrant discourse within the professional community and to stir interest and momentum around the need to reform and improve. Fifty education experts will take part in writing the articles, which will be both printed and uploaded onto a special website.
In addition, Branco Weiss will translate into Hebrew three additional books: “A Dialogic Teaching Companion” by Robin Alexander, “Ambitious Science Teaching” by Melissa Lee Braaten and “Teaching as Story Telling” by Kieran Egan.
* The text above shows the grant as approved by the Foundation’s Board of Directors / Grant 443