Advisory Council Members 2024
Founding CEO of the National Authority for Measurement and Evaluation in Education (RAMA). Recently retired from her position as President of the Levinsky-Wingate Academic Center.
Founder of the “Netzach” Haredi school network, which integrates religious and secular studies. Holds a master’s degree in public policy, is team member at the Mandel Institute, and lecturer on education and society.
Dean of Education at George Washington University. Former president of the US National Academy of Education, and elected fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the American Educational Research Association.
Formerly, the Chair of the Large Scale Assessment Department and Director of the Center for Research on Human Capital and Education at Educational Testing Service (ETS). He also served as the international survey director for PISA and PIAAC.
Physics teacher, Chair of the Education Committee in the National Council for the Advancement of Women in Science and Technology under the Ministry of Science, and director of field programs at MindCET.
Head of the Department of Science Teaching at the Weizmann Institute of Science, researcher of mathematics education specializing in mathematical problem-solving and partnerships between researchers and teachers.
Director of the Orcha Initiative for promoting social and emotional learning in both formal and informal education. Clinical psychologist and graduate of the Mandel School for Educational Leadership.
Former Director-General of the Ministry of Education, faculty member at the Mandel School for Educational Leadership, and Ono Academic College.
Mathematics teacher, mathematics coordinator, and pedagogical coordinator at a high school in Jerusalem. Former regional mathematics instructor at the Ministry of Education and lecturer in academic retraining program.